We are a hybrid
provider changing the
trajectory of lives.

We are a hybrid
provider changing the
trajectory of lives.

180 Health Partners is staffed by a fellowship of care providers, community builders and healthcare pioneers passionate about impacting the trajectory of lives with exposure to substance use and devoted to finding new ways to do so. We meet individuals where they are—serving as a treatment ally side by side with providers.

Our mission is to research, define and provide solutions and services related to substance use and behavioral health challenges that help our clients deliver the most comprehensive, integrated and successful Care + Community programs in the world.

We are guided
by our True


Our personal ambition will never supersede our mission. We are stronger together than as individuals. Our alignment with our mission, our trust in each other and our ability to engage in healthy conflict are the strengths of our foundation.


We are empowered to make the right decisions for the benefit of the individuals we serve. We will never blame a process for not doing the right thing. We accommodate every individual seeking care and work with the mindset that a small amount of engagement is better than no engagement. We are committed to continuous improvement.


We meet our individuals where they are. We prioritize relationships over process and science. We build up individuals, providing dignity and validation. We do not tear them down. We provide a stigma-free environment.


We understand that relapse and setbacks are often part of the recovery process. We help individuals re-evaluate, reset and rebuild momentum toward their personal goals in the overall journey. No task is too great or too small for us to complete. We are conscious to not enable destructive behavior patterns.


We are dedicated to the power of community and the importance of feeling connected. We are committed to partnering with individuals in all areas associated with the social determinants of health.